Thursday, May 19, 2005


Every little bit counts” I have always said. Many people don’t believe me. “You really think you can save the world?” Well, I guess not. But I can save somebody’s world (or at least day) and for that, my life is better.

A little bit goodwill, assistance, help, understanding, patience and sympathy counts toward the salvation of our community. Otherwise, we will CRASH.

I went to see Crash last night. I like the fact that some new movies these days have Farsi speaking actors without translating captions. I also enjoyed the choice of music (Dokhtar BoirAhmadi).

There are very few movies that take no sides. There are no good guys or bad guys and you can’t pinpoint the blame on anyone. The message comes across as “this is a movie about you, for you, all of you”.

After leaving the theatre, I got on the Subway. A Philippino woman passed by. A black boy sat beside me and a Chinese couple pushed a baby stroller on to the train. I listened carefully to all the chit chatter. I heard somebody speaking in Farsi and a few kids in French. An old man humbly approached the Chinese couple and asked for their permission to sit beside them. They smiled, I smiled.

I thought about our right hand side neighbour. They are Jewish. The laft hand side neighbour is Chinese. My mom likes all the cute Russian, Polish and Black kids in her class.

Good that we don’t have guns in our city. But more importantly, I am grateful that most of the time, we tolerate each other racially and culturally compared to some other parts of North America.

But all the circumstances aside, this movie still has a lot to offer, even to us. “a little bit of patience, understanding and care ….” Are we listening?

I love my multicultural city and I am proud of taking Public Transit to work everyday.


At 11:57 a.m., Blogger dokhtare aftab said...

I agree the diversity is quite something ...

At 4:46 p.m., Blogger QcynqSWG said...

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