Monday, August 22, 2005

Prayers for Alicia Ross

Dear Alicia

Tomorrow will be a week since you disappeared. Your mother cannot sleep at night. Your father is worried sick. In fact, 700 people took the time to come out and look for your everywhere.

Alicia, I am worried, too. Every morning I listen to the news, hoping that I hear some good news. But you are still out there, somewhere, hopefully alive.

We are almost the same age and live in the same city. Alicia, I can't stop thinking what you have been through. I am very sorry. My heart is broken every time I see your mom on TV.

Alicia, wherever you are, please be strong. For your mom and your dad who love you very much, please hang on to life. The police will turn this city upside-down for you and they will find you. You just need to hang in there.

Alicia, our hearts are with you. We pray for you every day. Whoever took you must be a monster. Alicia, this is not your fault. This could happen to any of us who live in this city, any minute.

Alicia, I am sorry for what you are going through, what Leslie Mahafy and Christine French went through and any other innocent woman, who has had the horrifying experience of being kidnapped, raped or tortured.

Alicia, I keep praying till we hear from you.


At 3:38 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey girl, where do u live?

At 3:45 p.m., Blogger The City Gal said...

Somewhere in GTA. Why?
Where do you live?


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